Just to mention, I’m running Windows XP, along with Outlook 2007 Professional. After having it for 2 days only I was very annoyed with not being able to sync everything. The company I used to work for I had a BB 7290 and it made me quite an addict for organization that I decided to get my own BB 8700r. I was having the exact same problem also “â?The file for database name associated with MS Outlook is missing, invalid or points to a file of zero length.â? In when I tried to click on the browse button, nothing happened. I’m not sure of the exact reasons why this worked and to be honest at this point I don’t care! Hopefully, this can help someone in the same situation.
I didn’t make any other change (such as switching profiles or moving data), but for whatever reason, Intellisync now reads my data. I then went back into Intellisync and presto, the ORIGINAL profile started working. So I created a new profile and added a dummy pst file in the old Outlook format. Before I was able to start that nightmare, I decided to create a new Outlook profile (via Control Panel, Mail) and see what that may do to the situation. pst in an old Outlook format and copy my data over to this new pst file. Although if this were true there would be many more people having this issue, I nevertheless decided to start experimenting down this path – create a. Finally, I read somewhere that there could potentially be an issue with Outlook 2003’s version of the PST files and Intellisync. I tried numerous fixes per various suggestions on different forums including re-installation of Intellisync, reinstall as well as repair of Outlook, and delete and reinstall of newer versions of the mapi32.dll all to no avail. Since my BlackBerry worked fine with the sync on Outlook 2000, I knew it has to be an issue with my new laptop and the fact that I upgraded to Outlook 2003. “The file for database name associated with MS Outlook is missing, invalid or points to a file of zero length.” In addition, when I tried to click on the browse button, nothing happened. I searched far and wide for a solution to the following error when I tried to setup the initial configuration for sync: I figured my blog was as good a place as any to post this as I searched so many different forums, I’m not sure where to return to at this point! I’m posting my solution here to helpfully help anyone else who has this problem and goes searching for a solution.
#Intellisync blackberry desktop manager software
This is hopefully the last in my series of “trying to buy a new mobile phone.” Recently, I had tremendous difficulty in trying to sync my Outlook 2003 both with my BlackBerry 7100t and then my new SideKick II using the Intellisync software that comes bundled with both devices (though under different names, both are Intellisync).